Polygraph & EyeDetect lie detector tests in Maryland start at $360 and up. Please see below for detailed pricing.
Polygraph and EyeDetect Lie Detector Test Combination
Up to 97.6% Outcome Confidence rate when you use both the polygraph and EyeDetect lie detector test in successive hurdles
- Two Completely Different Lie Detector Tests (Polygraph & EyeDetect) to Get the Most Information & Highest Accuracy rate
- Takes about 3 hours
- Pre-exam interview
- High Confession Rate by Subjects that fail
- Same Day EyeDetect Report
- Same Day Polygraph Report
$695 One-Person, One-Single Issue, Private, Civil Exam Polygraph and EyeDetect Test Combination (Not available for full disclosures, therapy directed, or court ordered exams)
$795 Basic Sexual Addiction / Therapeutic Full Disclosure (SAFD) / Court-Ordered Polygraph & EyeDetect Test Combination
$995 Enhanced Sexual Addiction / Therapeutic Full Disclosure (SAFD) Polygraph Test & EyeDetect Test Combination
$1295 Court-ordered or Court-Related Polygraph Test & EyeDetect Test Combination
10% Military discount with ID.
EyeDetect Lie Detector Test
- 90% Accuracy Rate
- One Question Only
- Takes Less Than 1 Hour
- Non-Invasive & Non-Intrusive
- Very Limited Pre-Exam Interview
- Conducted & Scored by Computer eliminating human error, bias & stress responses
- Same Day Results
- May be court admissible for select cases
$325 One-Person, One-Question, Private, Civil EyeDetect Test (Not available for full disclosures or court ordered exams)
$400 Sexual Addiction / Therapeutic Maintenace (SA-M) EyeDetect Test (Not available for full disclosures)
$800 Court-ordered or Any Court-Related EyeDetect Test
Military discount does not apply to EyeDetect tests.
Maryland Polygraph Exam
- 80% - 97% Accuracy Range
- Takes About 90 minutes
- Pre-Exam interview to explore and collect new information.
- 2, 3 or 4 Relevant "Yes or No" relevant questions all of which must directly relate to one specific issue.
- Same Day Results
- Polygraph report
- Great testing method for uncovering new information or a complex issue.
$400 One-Person, Single-Issue, Private, Civil Polygraph Exam
$800 Court-ordered or Any Court-Related Polygraph Test
$500 Basic Sexual Addiction Full Disclosure (SAFD) Polygraph Test
In addition to everything included with a traditional polygraph test, the Basic SAFD test also includes:
15-minute phone consultation with spouse or therapist prior to appointment to answer questions.
Additional 30 minutes during the session for the Subject to review their own disclosure document & make final edits as needed.
Notary of full disclosure (when provided in print)
$750 Enhanced Sexual Addiction Full Disclosure Polygraph Test
In addition to everything included with a traditional polygraph test, the Enhanced SAFD test also includes:
15-minute phone consultation with spouse or therapist prior to appointment to answer questions.
15-minute phone consultation with spouse or therapist post appointment to answer questions and explain results.
Additional hour during the session for a line-by-line review of full disclosure with examiner prior to testing with edits as needed.
Notary of full disclosure (when provided in print)
10% Military discount with ID.
20% Discount on exams with written authorization to void all privacy and give Validate, LLC authority to utilize all case information, to include videos of the interview & exams, for educational and promotional purposes to include social media posts. Inquire for details.
Polygraph & EyeDetect Lie Detector Tests in MD
When you use both the Polygraph and EyeDetect in a series of hurdled exams, the outcome confidence rate jumps to a consistent 96.6% making it the most reliable testable methodology available.
All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. A client may reschedule their exam one time only with at least 7 days advance notice. Rescheduling more than once or with less than 7 days notice will require a new payment.
Please wear or bring with you a short sleeved shirt and flat shoes to wear during the exam. No heels. Please bring any pertinent case facts, evidence, statements, questions, etc... you would like us to review.